Saturday, September 10, 2011

new monoogues

Hi here are the 5 monologuesx i promised for this weekend!!!


Down the Tubes" (Teen Monologue, Female)*Disappointment*
Cynthia is confiding in her older sister, before she faces the grim job of telling her parents the bad news, that she won't be following the family footsteps by graduating Valedictorian.
Cynthia: Well it's done, I've passed the point of no return...I can't believe this has happened! All my life, I've been great in school, I've always been a leader, almost always the first in my class...until now. I don't know what got into me. I'm so angry at myself; I knew I should have studied harder. Ever since I was a little girl, I've dreamt of delivering my Valedictorian speech at Graduation...just like Mom, just like you, just like most of my, my shot at being Valedictorian is pretty much over. I feel awful; I feel like I've disappointed everyone, including myself...Why didn't I try harder, I should have paid more attention to my grades. My Dad would tell me, "I know your smart sweetheart, I know you feel like you've got it nailed, but it wouldn't hurt to do just a little extra credit to pad your average." But noooo! I was too smart for that...You know most kids would have celebrated the grades I got, but not me, it's like I broke some sacred chain!...Well it's finally over, and there's nothing I can do about it, but cry a little tear and get on with life. But you know what's ironic?...As bad as I feel right now, it's like a giant load has been lifted off my's like I'm ...........FREE!

"Bandana Mania" (Teen Monologue, Female)*Humorous*
Jayna's new friend Stephanie, has just moved in next door. Jayna has been going to the same inner-city high school all her life, while Stephanie came from a nice, quiet, middle class neighborhood on the outside of town. Stephanie's a nice girl, her parents just divorced, lives with her mom. They lost there house and are renting a little studio place above the neighbor's garage. Jayna is giving her friend some fashion tips for her first day of school.
Jayna: Stephanie, are you crazy! You can't wear that around here...Where do you think you are, the "St. Mary's School for Girls", cutie, you're downtown now. You can't wear that bandana around your ankle, like some little fashion accessory! You'll get us both killed! (Beat) Yeah it looks great...but're not wearing it. You'll see a lot fo kids around here wearing bandanas on their heads and it's not because it goes with their shirt. They are like signs of association and sources of pride, or somehting like that...oh, and good luck if you DON'T happen to be familiar with, "The Code". Oh man, and heaven forbid you put a wrong color on, or wear it because it's could get yourself messed-up! Yesterday, I thought I'd have a little fun and wear that bandana my little brother gave me, with the good ole Red, White, and Blue, United States Flag printed on it...You should have seen the looks on their faces, they didn't know whether to throw me a peace sign or beat me up...but you can forget about it, I'm not wearing enough under arm deodorant to try that stunt again today, so please, just take it off!

"Fun Memories" (Teen Monologue, Female)*Excited/Light Humor*
Katherine (Katty) and Kristen used to be best friends when they were little girls. Kristen and her mom moved out of the neighborhood when her parents got a divorce. Katty and Kristen kept in touch for a while, but with each of the families moving around so much, for whatever reason, the phone calls and visits would get farther and farther apart. It finally ends up that they live in suburbs at opposite ends of the city.
Katty: Hello? Kristen?...(screaming/excited) Kristen! Oh my gosh I can't believe it's you! Where do you live now? How's your mom?(beat) She remarried? How do you like him? Really?(beat) Well, as long as he's nice, you'll get used to him. So how have you been? It's so nice to here from you. (beat) Writing? Oh don't worry about that, I know your parents divorce really upset you. It's just that we didn't know where you went, it's like you disappeared for five years....Oh it's so good to hear from you again! (reflecting) Remember all the funny things we used to do when we were little girls? Like telling scary ghost stories, remember we would get ourselves so afraid, that we wouldn't go to sleep until dawn the next morning...and remember the time we put make-up on our Barbie dolls, not realizing we used permanent markers. Or how about the time we played Talk-Show Host in my Dad's garage. I still have a copy of that tape we made. You should hear it, it's really cute! (beat) Oh yeah! And the secret hide out...we made gourmet mud pies and actually tried to eat them! Oh, but my favorite was when I spent the night over at your house, and we used to do modeling shows for your mom and dad! Remember how they would clap and give us prizes...your mom used to get so into it. After we were done she would make a big bowl of popcorn and watch movies all night. (beat) You go horseback riding? Do you wear those funny pants and boots? That's so awesome, I've always wanted to do that! (pause) Wow I can't believe it's you....Do you have a boyfriend? (beat) Cool, so do I...His name is Doug. He's SO cute! (beat) Right now! Really! your mom going to bring you over?...Sickness!!!!

"One Way Street" (Teen Monologue, Female)*bewildered*
Janice has just called Cheryl with another problem. She is more of a talker than a listener, and as always has something to complain about. Cheryl on the other hand, has an active life, full of meaningful relationships and always busy. Somehow I get the feeling that Janice needs Cheryl, more than the other way around.
Janice: (On the Phone) Hey, girl! Sorry I haven't called you back. My Mom's throwing a fit again. Two weeks ago, it was because I snuck out at night to go to a party out on the beach, last week because I skipped school to go to the mall, and now today because she found that pack of cigarettes I had hidden in my underwear drawer...she shouldn't be in my room anyways. (Beat) Oh, yeah, tell me about it! Thank goodness I have you to talk too; otherwise I'd surely lose my mind. It's not easy being understood nowadays. (Beat) I'm O.K. I guess. It's more annoying than anything else. I just feel like curling-up and falling asleep when this happens. You think everything will be O.K.? Really...thanks girl. I appreciate your encouragement. You're always there for're the best friend a girl could ever make me feel so...Hello? Hello? (To the Audience) Why, that little tramp hung-up on me again!

"The Divorce" (Teen Monologue, Female)*Dramatic*
Jamie's parents are getting separated. It doesn't quite sink in at first, she's sort of in shock. She truly believes that her influence can change the situation. Once that fails she moves from one desperate attempt to the next trying to get her parents back together again, with her confidence and feelings losing footing each step of the way. When she finally see's that the situation is hopeless, her emotions spiral down to the point of sobbing and begging.
Jamie: (sits in disbelief after hearing the news her parents divorce) What? (pause) What do you mean you're getting a divorce? No, (pause) no this can't be happening to me. (shaking her head.) Can't the two of you work things out? I mean how bad could it possibly be? (beat) (truning to her mother ) It's you right? it's your fault it always is. You're always riding Daddy, nagging him. I hear you. Maybe if you weren't such a nag then he wouldn't be leaving. (beat) Why shouldn't I, Daddy? She should know the truth. If she weren't always on your case then we wouldn't be having this conversation! (beat) I can't believe you're doing this to me! (jumps out of chair in anger) Do you know how embarrassing this is going to be for me at school? Everyone thinks we're happy. I'm always telling people how in love you two are and how I want to have that same kinda love. (pause) What am I going to do? I mean really? I'm going to have to change schools. All of my friends' parents are still married you know. (pauses as the enevitable sets in and begins to sob) Please tell me what's going on, Daddy. Tell me why you're leaving. Tell me what's wrong. (The father attempts to hug Jamie but she pulls away) No--no don't touch me. Don't touch me! How could you do this to me? Huh? How could you? I don't want you to touch me. I don't want to be comforted, Dad. Wait! (openly crying now and begging) Please don't go, Daddy. I promise I'll do better. I'll go easy on the shopping. I won't bug you about the silly stuff. I'll do the chores without tripping out...I'll do anything. Mom, why is he leaving? (beat) No--no I don't want to hear that okay? There is no such thing as "making it work out for all of us" okay. There is no such thing. Stop trying to lie to me I'm not a child! This is the worse possible thing that could happen and I will never...NEVER forgive either one of you ever again! (storms out of the room).

and there they are!!!! until next time


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